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Configuration Options


Option Type Description
api_key String The Marqo API key. Can be set with MARQO_API_KEY environment variable.
host String The Marqo API host. Can be set with MARQO_HOST environment variable.

marqo_read_indices (Data Source)


Option Type Description
id String The unique identifier for the resource


Option Description
items List of Indexes in your account
last_updated The last time the resource was updated

Nested Schema for items

Field Description
all_fields The fields to make available in a structured index.
tensor_fields An array of fields that will be vectorised.
ann_parameters The hyperparameters for the ANN method
created The creation date of the index
docs_count The number of documents in the index
docs_deleted The number of documents deleted from the index
filter_string_max_length The filter string max length
index_name The name of the index
index_status The status of the index
inference_type The type of inference used by the index
marqo_endpoint The Marqo endpoint used by the index
marqo_version The version of Marqo used by the index
model The model used by the index
model_properties The properties of the model used by the index
normalize_embeddings (Boolean) Indicates if embeddings should be normalized
number_of_inferences The number of inferences made by the index
number_of_replicas The number of replicas for the index
number_of_shards The number of shards for the index
search_query_total The total number of search queries made on the index
storage_class The storage class of the index
store_size The size of the index storage
text_preprocessing The text preprocessing settings for text
treat_urls_and_pointers_as_images (Boolean) Indicates if URLs and pointers should be treated as images
treat_urls_and_pointers_as_media (Boolean) Indicates if URLs and pointers should be treated as media
type The type of the index
vector_numeric_type The numeric type of the vector

Nested Schema for items.model_properties

Field Description
type The type of the model
dimensions The dimensions of the model
tokens The tokens of the model
model_location The location of the model
url The URL of the model
trust_remote_code Indicates if the remote code should be trusted

Nested Schema for items.all_fields

Field Type
dependent_fields Map of Number
features List of String
name String
type String

Nested Schema for items.ann_parameters

Field Description
parameters Hyperparameters for the ANN method
space_type The space type for ANN parameters

Nested Schema for items.ann_parameters.parameters

Field Description
ef_construction The efConstruction parameter for ANN
m The m parameter for ANN

Nested Schema for items.text_preprocessing

Read-Only Description
split_length The split length for text preprocessing
split_method The split method for text preprocessing
split_overlap The split overlap for text preprocessing

marqo_index (Resource)

For default values in optional fields, please refer to the documentation pages on creating unstructured and structured indexes.


Option Type Description
index_name String The name of the index.
settings Attributes The settings for the index.

Nested Schema for settings


Field Type
inference_type String
model String
number_of_inferences Number
number_of_replicas Number
number_of_shards Number
storage_class String
type String


Field Type
model_properties Attributes
all_fields Attributes List
ann_parameters Attributes
filter_string_max_length Number
normalize_embeddings Boolean
tensor_fields List of String
text_preprocessing Attributes
image_preprocessing Attributes
video_preprocessing Attributes
audio_preprocessing Attributes
treat_urls_and_pointers_as_images Boolean
treat_urls_and_pointers_as_media Boolean
vector_numeric_type String

Nested Schema for settings.model_properties

Field Type
type String
dimensions Number
tokens Number
model_location String
url String
trust_remote_code Boolean

Nested Schema for settings.all_fields

Field Type
dependent_fields Map of Number
features List of String
name String
type String

Nested Schema for settings.ann_parameters

Field Type
parameters Attributes
space_type String

Nested Schema for settings.ann_parameters.parameters

Field Type
ef_construction Number
m Number

Nested Schema for settings.image_preprocessing

Field Type
patch_method String

Nested Schema for settings.text_preprocessing

Field Type
split_length Number
split_method String
split_overlap Number

Nested Schema for settings.video_preprocessing

Field Type
split_length Number
split_overlap Number

Nested Schema for settings.audio_preprocessing

Field Type
split_length Number
split_overlap Number