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Using Opentofu to Manage Your Cloud Resources

This page will walk you through using OpenTofu to manage your Marqo Cloud resources.

OpenTofu, a fork of Terraform, is an Open Source infrastructure as code tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and delete cloud resources. For more information on opentofu and terraform, please visit the following links: OpenTofu and Terraform.

The marqo opentofu provider is located at

If you wish to use the terraform provider instead, please note the following - replace the provider source with marqo-ai/marqo - replace all tofu commands in the guide below with terraform

The source code for the OpenTofu/Terraform provider is located at

Installation Instructions

  1. Install Opentofu by following the instructions on the Opentofu website. Alternatively, install Terraform by following the instructions on the Terraform website.
  2. Create a Marqo configuration (a .tf file with your marqo API and endpoint details) in a new directory
  3. Run tofu init in the directory you created the configuration in to initialize the configuration
  4. At this point, you should be able to run tofu plan and tofu apply to create and manage your Marqo resources.

Some common commands are: - tofu plan - checks whether the configuration is valid and what actions will be taken - tofu apply - creates or updates the resources in your account - tofu destroy - deletes the resources in your account

See the Opentofu documentation for more information on how to use Opentofu.

Overview of Features

The marqo opentofu provider supports the following:

  • A datasource called marqo_read_indices that allows you to read all of your marqo indexes in your account.
  • A resource called marqo_index that allows you to create and manage a marqo index.

Sample Configuration

For both of the examples below, create a file within each configuration directory named terraform.tfvars containing your api key as follows

marqo_api_key = "<KEY>"

Note that the host must be set to ""

Reading All Indexes in Your Account (datasource)

terraform {
  required_providers {
    marqo = {
      source = ""
      version = "1.0.1"

provider "marqo" {
  host    = ""
  api_key = var.marqo_api_key

data "marqo_read_indices" "example" {
  id = 1

output "indices_in_marqo_cloud" {
  value = data.marqo_read_indices.example

variable "marqo_api_key" {
  type        = string
  description = "Marqo API key"

Creating and Managing a Structured Index (resource)

terraform {
  required_providers {
    marqo = {
      source = ""
      version = "1.0.1"

provider "marqo" {
  host    = ""
  api_key = var.marqo_api_key

resource "marqo_index" "example" {
  index_name = "example_index_dependent_2"
  settings = {
    type                = "structured"
    vector_numeric_type = "float"
    all_fields = [
      { "name" : "text_field", "type" : "text", "features" : ["lexical_search"] },
      { "name" : "image_field", "type" : "image_pointer" },
        "name" : "multimodal_field",
        "type" : "multimodal_combination",
        "dependent_fields" : {
          "imageField" : 0.8,
          "textField" : 0.1
    number_of_inferences = 1
    storage_class        = "marqo.basic"
    number_of_replicas   = 0
    number_of_shards     = 2
    tensor_fields        = ["multimodal_field"],
    model                = "open_clip/ViT-L-14/laion2b_s32b_b82k"
    normalize_embeddings = true
    inference_type       = "marqo.CPU.small"
    text_preprocessing = {
      split_length  = 2
      split_method  = "sentence"
      split_overlap = 0
    image_preprocessing = {
      patch_method = null
    ann_parameters = {
      space_type = "prenormalized-angular"
      parameters = {
        ef_construction = 512
        m               = 16

output "created_index" {
  value = marqo_index.example

variable "marqo_api_key" {
  type        = string
  description = "Marqo API key"

Detailed Configuration Options


  • api_key (String, Sensitive) The Marqo API key. Can be set with MARQO_API_KEY environment variable.
  • host (String) The Marqo API host. Can be set with MARQO_HOST environment variable.

marqo_read_indices (Data Source)


  • id (String) The unique identifier for the resource.


  • items
  • last_updated The last time the resource was updated.

Nested Schema for items

  • all_fields
  • tensor_fields
  • ann_parameters
  • created The creation date of the index
  • docs_count The number of documents in the index
  • docs_deleted The number of documents deleted from the index
  • filter_string_max_length The filter string max length
  • image_preprocessing
  • index_name The name of the index
  • index_status The status of the index
  • inference_type The type of inference used by the index
  • marqo_endpoint The Marqo endpoint used by the index
  • marqo_version The version of Marqo used by the index
  • model The model used by the index
  • normalize_embeddings (Boolean) Indicates if embeddings should be normalized
  • number_of_inferences The number of inferences made by the index
  • number_of_replicas The number of replicas for the index
  • number_of_shards The number of shards for the index
  • search_query_total The total number of search queries made on the index
  • storage_class The storage class of the index
  • store_size The size of the index storage
  • text_preprocessing (Attributes)
  • treat_urls_and_pointers_as_images (Boolean) Indicates if URLs and pointers should be treated as images
  • type The type of the index
  • vector_numeric_type The numeric type of the vector

Nested Schema for items.all_fields


  • dependent_fields
  • features
  • name
  • type

Nested Schema for items.ann_parameters


  • parameters
  • space_type The space type for ANN parameters

Nested Schema for items.ann_parameters.parameters


  • ef_construction The efConstruction parameter for ANN
  • m The m parameter for ANN

Nested Schema for items.image_preprocessing


  • patch_method The patch method for image preprocessing

Nested Schema for items.text_preprocessing


  • split_length The split length for text preprocessing
  • split_method The split method for text preprocessing
  • split_overlap The split overlap for text preprocessing

marqo_index (Resource)

For default values in optional fields, please refer to the documentation pages on creating unstructured and structured indexes.


  • index_name (String) The name of the index.
  • settings (Attributes) The settings for the index.

Nested Schema for settings


  • inference_type (String)
  • model (String)
  • number_of_inferences (Number)
  • number_of_replicas (Number)
  • number_of_shards (Number)
  • storage_class (String)
  • type (String)


  • all_fields (Attributes List)
  • ann_parameters (Attributes)
  • filter_string_max_length (Number)
  • image_preprocessing (Attributes)
  • normalize_embeddings (Boolean)
  • tensor_fields (List of String)
  • text_preprocessing (Attributes)
  • treat_urls_and_pointers_as_images (Boolean)
  • vector_numeric_type (String)

Nested Schema for settings.all_fields


  • dependent_fields (Map of Number)
  • features (List of String)
  • name (String)
  • type (String)

Nested Schema for settings.ann_parameters


  • parameters (Attributes)
  • space_type (String)

Nested Schema for settings.ann_parameters.parameters


  • ef_construction (Number)
  • m (Number)

Nested Schema for settings.image_preprocessing


  • patch_method (String)

Nested Schema for settings.text_preprocessing


  • split_length (Number)
  • split_method (String)
  • split_overlap (Number)