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Search for documents matching a specific query in the given index.

POST /indexes/{index_name}/search

Path parameters

Name Type Description
index_name String name of the requested index


The body parameters below would be used for HTTP requests (if you were using cURL, for example). Python client users should use the pythonic snakecase equivalents (for example, searchable_attributes rather than searchableAttributes).

Search Parameter Type Default value Description
q String OR Dict null Query string, weighted query strings or custom vector object. Optional for tensor search if context parameter is used.
limit Integer 10 Maximum number of documents to be returned
offset Integer 0 Number of documents to skip (used for pagination)
filter String null Filter string in the Marqo DSL Language. In the Python client this parameter is called filter_string:"my query", filter_string="country:(United States)")
searchableAttributes Array of strings null Attributes to be queried during the search. Only supported in structured indexes
Boolean true Return highlights for the document match. Only applicable for TENSOR search. With LEXICAL search, highlights will always be [].
searchMethod String "TENSOR" The search method, can be LEXICAL, TENSOR or HYBRID.
hybridParameters Dict null Parameters used for hybrid search.
attributesToRetrieve Array of strings null Attributes to return in the search response
efSearch Integer 2000 efSearch is the size of the dynamic list for the nearest neighbors (used during the search) - higher gives better recall at the cost of latency. Also efSearch must be greater than limit and limit is capped at 400
approximate Boolean True Approximate toggles between exact KNN and approximate KNN (with HNSW)
reRanker String null Method to use for reranking results
imageDownloadHeaders (deprecated) Dict {} Headers for the image download. Can be used to authenticate the images for download.
mediaDownloadHeaders Dict {} Headers for the media download. Can be used to authenticate the media for download.
context Dict null Dictionary of "tensor":{List[{"vector": List[floats], "weight": (float)}]} to bring your own vectors into search.
scoreModifiers Dict null A dictionary to modify the score based on field values. Check here for examples.
modelAuth Dict null Authorisation details used by Marqo to download non-publicly available models. Check here for examples.
textQueryPrefix String null The prefix added to text queries when embedding. This field overrides the textQueryPrefix set in the index settings during index creation. If it unset by the user, it defaults to the prefixes defined in the index settings. For more information on default values for index settings, see create_index.
rerankDepth Integer null Number of hits to rerank with global score modifiers. If limit != rerankDepth, rerankDepth results are reranked but limit results are still returned. This value must be non-negative.

Note on Attributes to Retrieve per Query

It is beneficial to explicitly set the attributesToRetrieve parameter to limit the amount of data Marqo returns per document. Latency will increase as the number of attributes and documents retrieved increases. If you have documents with many fields that are not used by systems interfacing with Marqo's results, setting attributesToRetrieve to the minimal set of fields required can reduce latency and improve throughput.

Query parameters

Search Parameter Type Default value Description
device String null The device used to search. If device is not specified and CUDA devices are available to Marqo (see here for more info), Marqo will speed up search by using an available CUDA device. Otherwise, the CPU will be used. Options include cpu and cuda, cuda1, cuda2 etc. The cuda option tells Marqo to use any available cuda devices.
telemetry Boolean False If true, the telemetry object is returned in the search response body. This includes information like latency metrics. This is set at client instantiation time in the Python client: mq = marqo.Client(return_telemetry=True)

Search result pagination

Use parameters limit and offset to paginate your results, meaning to query a certain number of results at a time instead of all at once.

The limit parameter sets the size of a page. If you set limit to 10, Marqo's response will contain a maximum of 10 search results. The offset parameter skips a number of search results. If you set offset to 20, Marqo's response will skip the first 20 search results.

Let's say you want each page to have 10 results, and you want to receive the 2nd page. Try setting limit and offset like so:

# Specify page properties
page_size = 10
page_num = 2

# Set limit and offset accordingly
limit = page_size
offset = (page_num - 1) * page_size

Pagination limitations

Search results can only be 10,000 results deep. This means limit + offset must be less than or equal to 10000. Also, efSearch must be greater than limit+offset.

Using pagination with search_method="TENSOR" may result in some results being skipped or duplicated (often near the edge of pages) within the first few pages if the page size is much smaller than the total search result count. Please keep this in mind when looking for particular results or when result order is essential.

Lexical search: exact matches

Use searchMethod="LEXICAL" to perform keyword search instead of tensor search. With lexical search, you can enable exact match searching using double quotes: "".

Any term enclosed in "" will be labeled a required term, which must exist in at least one field of every result hit. Note that terms enclosed in double quotes must also have a space between them and the terms before and after them, same as regular terms. Use this feature to filter your results to only documents containing certain terms. For example, if you want to search for results containing fruits, vegetables, or candy, but they must be green, you can construct your query as such:

    q='fruit vegetable candy "green"',

If you want to escape the double quotes (interpret them as text), use the escape key: backslash (\). For example:

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-first-index/search' -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "Dwayne \"The Rock\" Johnson",
    "searchMethod": "LEXICAL"

Note that to interpret backslashes as literal strings in Python, they must be escaped with another backslash, so the same query in the Python client would look like this:

    q='Dwayne \\"The Rock\\" Johnson',

Note: syntax errors

If your use of "" does not follow proper syntax, Marqo will do its best interpretation of the quotes. Every 2 quotes (from left to right) will be paired and the text between them will be extracted as a required term if possible. If either of the quotes are badly formatted, both will be treated as whitespace and the text adjacent to them will be optional. Unpaired quotes will also be treated as whitespace. Here some examples of syntax errors:

# Quoted terms without spaces before/after
q = 'apples "oranges"bananas'
# Required terms: None
# Optional terms: apples, oranges, bananas

q = 'cucumbers "melons and watermelons""grapefruit"'
# Required terms: None
# Optional terms: cucumbers, melons, and, watermelons, grapefruit

# Unescaped quotes
q = 'There is a quote right"here'
# Required terms: None
# Optional terms: There, is, a, quote, right, here

# Unbalanced quotes
q = '"Dr. Seuss" "Thing 1" "Thing 2'
# Required terms: Dr. Seuss, Thing 1
# Optional terms: Thing, 2


Name Type Description
hits Array of objects Results of the query
limit Integer Number of documents chunks specified in the query
offset Integer Number of skipped results specified in the query
processingTimeMs Number Processing time of the query
query String Query originating the response


curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-first-index/search' -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "what is the best outfit to wear on the moon?",
    "limit": 10,
    "offset": 0,
    "showHighlights": true,
    "searchMethod": "TENSOR",
    "attributesToRetrieve": ["Title", "Description"]
    q="What is the best outfit to wear on the moon?",
    attributes_to_retrieve=["Title", "Description"]

For Marqo Cloud, you will need to access the endpoint of your index and replace your_endpoint with this. To do this, visit Find Your Endpoint. You will also need your API Key. To obtain this key visit Find Your API Key.

curl -XPOST 'your_endpoint/indexes/my-first-index/search' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "what is the best outfit to wear on the moon?",
    "limit": 10,
    "offset": 0,
    "showHighlights": true,
    "searchMethod": "TENSOR",
    "attributesToRetrieve": ["Title", "Description"]
    q="What is the best outfit to wear on the moon?",
    attributes_to_retrieve=["Title", "Description"]

Response: 200 Ok

  "hits": [
      "Title": "Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU)",
      "Description": "The EMU is a spacesuit that provides environmental protection, mobility, life support, and communications for astronauts",
      "_highlights": [
          "Description": "The EMU is a spacesuit that provides environmental protection, mobility, life support, and communications for astronauts"
      "_id": "article_591",
      "_score": 1.2387788
      "Title": "The Travels of Marco Polo",
      "Description": "A 13th-century travelogue describing Polo's travels",
      "_highlights": [
          "Title": "The Travels of Marco Polo"
      "_id": "e00d1a8d-894c-41a1-8e3b-d8b2a8fce12a",
      "_score": 1.2047464
  "limit": 10,
  "offset": 0,
  "processingTimeMs": 49,
  "query": "What is the best outfit to wear on the moon?"

Query (q)

Parameter: q

Expected value: Search string, a dictionary of weighted search strings. Optional for tensor search if context parameter is used.

Search strings are text or a url to an image, if the index has treatUrlsAndPointersAsImages set to True.

If queries are weighted, each weight act as a (possibly negative) multiplier for that query, relative to the other queries.

If your search method is TENSOR, this parameter is optional if you are using the context parameter. At least one of q or context must be specified for this search.

If you are using a custom vector you can also specify a dictionary of the form {'customVector': {'vector': [0.1,...,0], 'content': 'some string'}}.

Default value: null


# query string: 
q = "How do I keep my plant alive?"

# a dictionary of weighted query strings
q = {
    # a weighting of 1 gives this query a neutral effect:
    "Which dogs are the best pets": 1.0,
    # we give this a weighting of 2 because we really want results similar to this:
    "https://image_of_a_golden_retriever.png": 2.0,
    # we give this a negative weighting to make it less likely to appear: 
    "Poodle": -1

# providing a custom vector for tensor search
q = {
    "customVector" : {"vector": [0.1]*512}

# providing a custom vector and content for hybrid search
q = {
    # providing a custom vector and content if using hybrid search with a custom vector
    "customVector" : {"vector": [0.1]*512, "content": "some content that matches the vector"}


Parameter: limit

Expected value: Any positive integer

Default value: 10

Max: 1000

Sets the maximum number of documents returned by a single query.


Parameter: offset

Expected value: Any integer greater than or equal to 0

Default value: 0

Max: 10000

Sets the number of documents to skip. For example, if offset = 20, The first result returned will be the 21st result. Only set this parameter for single-field searches (multi-field support to follow).


Parameter: filter

Expected value: A filter string written in Marqo's query DSL.

Default value: null

Uses filter expressions to refine search results.

Read our guide on filtering, faceted search and filter expressions.


You can write a filter expression in string syntax using logical connectives (see filtering in Marqo):

"(type:confectionary AND food:(ice cream)) OR animal:hippo"

Searchable attributes

Parameter: searchableAttributes

Expected value: An array strings

Default value: null

Configures which attributes will be searched for query matches. This field is only supported in structured indexes.

If no value is specified, all fields will be searched.


You can write the searchableAttributes as a list of strings, for example if you only wanted to search the "Description" field of your documents:



Parameter: reRanker

Expected value: One of "owl/ViT-B/32", "owl/ViT-B/16", "owl/ViT-L/14"

Default value: null

Selects the method for reranking results. See the Models reference reranking section for more details.

If no value is specified, reRanker will be set to null and no reranking will occur.


You can write reRanker as a string, for example:



Parameter: context

Expected value: Dictionary of "tensor":{List[{"vector": List[floats], "weight": (float)}]}

Default value: null

Context allows you to use your own vectors as context for your queries. Your vectors will be incorporated into the query using a weighted sum approach, allowing you to reduce the number of inference requests for duplicated content. The dimension of the provided vectors should be consistent with the index dimension.


    q={"Chocolate chip cookies": 1},
    # the dimension of the vector (which is 768 here) should match the dimension of the index
    context={"tensor": [{"vector": [0.3, ] * 768, "weight": 2},  # custom vector 1
                        {"vector": [0.12, ] * 768, "weight": -1}, ]  # custom vector 2

Score modifiers

Parameter: scoreModifiers

Expected value: An object with two optional keys: multiply_score_by and add_to_score. The value of each of these keys is an array of objects that each contain the name of a numeric field in the document as the field_name key and the weighting that should be applied to the numeric value, as the weight key, if it is found in the doc. If the score modifier field in the document is a map, access the subfield value using dot notation.

Default value: null

Score modifiers allows you to modify the initial score of the document by multiplying, and adding to, the initial search with values found within the document itself. This allows you to modify the search results based on metadata not included in the vectors.

The default weight value is 1 in the multiply_score_by object and 0 in the add_to_score object. The multiply_score_by modifiers will be applied to the document's score before the add_to_score modifiers. If a field specified in the score modification objects isn't found in the document, then the score modification will be skipped for that document's field.

For map score modifiers, avoid retrieving the score modifier fields in the query if they are not necessary for retrieval. For more information, see attributesToRetrieve.

There is negligible performance impact in performing queries with 1000 score modifiers against large dictionaries of upwards of 15,000 score modifiers per document.


            "productImage": "",
            "itemPopularity": 2.1,
            "negativeReviewCount": 4

    q="T-shirts with a cartoon character",
        "multiply_score_by": [{"field_name": "itemPopularity", "weight": 1.8}],
        "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "negativeReviewCount", "weight": -0.1}]

# if the initial score of the search query against this document is 0.67, then, after applying score modifiers,
# it will be modifed to 0.67 * (1.8 * 2.1) + (-0.1 * 4) = 2.13

Example Using Map Score Modifiers

docs = [
    {"_id": "1", "text_field": "a photo of a cat", "map_score_mods": {"a": 0.5}},
    {"_id": "2", "text_field": "a photo of a dog", "map_score_mods": {"b": 0.5}},
    {"_id": "3", "text_field": "a photo of a cat", "map_score_mods": {"c": 0.5}},
    {"_id": "4", "text_field": "a photo of a cat", "map_score_mods_int": {"a": 1}},
    {"_id": "5", "text_field": "a photo of a cat", "map_score_mods_int": {"b": 1}},
    {"_id": "6", "text_field": "a photo of a cat", "map_score_mods_int": {"c": 1}},
    {"_id": "7", "text_field": "a photo of a cat", "map_score_mods_int": {"c": 1}, "map_score_mods": {"a": 0.5}},
    {"_id": "8", "text_field": "a photo of a dog", "my_int": 2},

res = mq.index("my-unstructured-index").add_documents(

# The same search syntax is used for both structured and unstructured indexes
res = mq.index("map-score-modifiers-index").search(
        "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "map_score_mods_int.c", "weight": 2}],
        "multiply_score_by": [{"field_name": "map_score_mods.a", "weight": 4}]
    attributes_to_retrieve=["_id", "text_field"]
print(json.dumps(res, indent=2))

Global Score Modifiers

If the scoreModifiers parameter is used for HYBRID search, these will be treated as global score modifiers. This means that score modifiers will be applied after all ranking phases, and after fusion (if applicable). This global reranking only affects hits' _score value, and any initial scores like _tensor_score and _lexical_score will remain unchanged. This is also completely independent of the scoreModifiersTensor and scoreModifiersLexical parameters in hybridParameters, and they can be used in combination with each other.

The number of hits to be reranked by global score modifiers is determined by the rerankDepth parameter.

Global score modifiers are supported only for disjunction retrieval method and rrf ranking method. This is the order of operations for a HYBRID search with these parameters:

  1. TENSOR search is done internally and reranked using scoreModifiersTensor (if any)
  2. LEXICAL search is done internally and reranked using scoreModifiersLexical (if any)
  3. Both result lists are fused using RRF algorithm.
  4. The top rerankDepth results are reranked using scoreModifiers (global score modifiers).
  5. The top limit results are returned.

Example of Hybrid Search with Global Score Modifiers

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-first-index/search' -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "black shoes",
    "limit": 10,
    "rerankDepth": 5,
    "scoreModifiers": {
        "multiply_score_by": [{"field_name": "itemPopularity", "weight": 2}],
        "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "negativeReviewCount", "weight": -0.1}]
    "searchMethod": "HYBRID",
    "hybridParameters": {
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",
        "rankingMethod": "rrf"
    q="black shoes",
        "multiply_score_by": [{"field_name": "itemPopularity", "weight": 2}],
        "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "negativeReviewCount", "weight": -0.1}]
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",
        "rankingMethod": "rrf"

Model Auth

Parameter: modelAuth

Expected value: Dictionary with either an s3 or an hf model store authorisation object.

Default value: null

The ModelAuth object allows searching on indexes that use OpenCLIP and CLIP models from private Hugging Face and AWS S3 stores.

The modelAuth object contains either an s3 or an hf model store authorisation object. The model store authorisation object contains credentials needed to access the index's non publicly accessible model. See the example for details.

The index's settings must specify the non publicly accessible model's location in the setting's modelProperties object.

ModelAuth is used to initially download the model. After downloading, Marqo caches the model so that it doesn't need to be redownloaded.

Example: AWS s3

# Create an index that specifies the non-public location of the model.
# Note the `auth_required` field in `modelProperties` which tells Marqo to use
# the modelAuth it finds during search to download the model
        "treatUrlsAndPointersAsImages": True,
        "model": 'my_s3_model',
        "normalizeEmbeddings": True,
        "modelProperties": {
            "name": "ViT-B/32",
            "dimensions": 512,
            "model_location": {
                "s3": {
                    "Bucket": "<SOME BUCKET>",
                    "Key": "<KEY TO IDENTIFY MODEL>",
                "auth_required": True
            "type": "open_clip",

# Specify the authorisation needed to access the private model during search:
# We recommend setting up the credential's AWS user so that it has minimal 
# accesses needed to retrieve the model
    q="Chocolate chip cookies",
        's3': {
            "aws_access_key_id": "<SOME ACCESS KEY ID>",
            "aws_secret_access_key": "<SOME SECRET ACCESS KEY>"

Example: Hugging Face (HF)

# Create an index that specifies the non-public location of the model.
# Note the `auth_required` field in `modelProperties` which tells Marqo to use
# the modelAuth it finds during search to download the model
        "treatUrlsAndPointersAsImages": True,
        "model": 'my_hf_model',
        "normalizeEmbeddings": True,
        "modelProperties": {
            "name": "ViT-B/32",
            "dimensions": 512,
            "model_location": {
                "hf": {
                    "repo_id": "<SOME HF REPO NAME>",
                    "filename": "<THE FILENAME TO DOWNLOAD>",
                "auth_required": True
            "type": "open_clip",

# specify the authorisation needed to access the private model during search:
    q="Chocolate chip cookies",
        'hf': {
            "token": "<SOME HF TOKEN>",

Query Prefixes

Parameters: textQueryPrefix

Expected value: A string.

Default value: ""

This field overrides the text query prefix set during the index's creation.

Note: Users do not need to provide textQueryPrefix for e5 models unless you want to override our default prefixes.

Example: Adding prefixes to search queries. Overriding index defaults

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/{index_name}/search' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "Men shoes brown",
    "textQueryPrefix": "override query: "
    q="Men shoes brown", text_query_prefix="override query: "

For Marqo Cloud, you will need to access the endpoint of your index and replace your_endpoint with this. To do this, visit Find Your Endpoint. You will also need your API Key. To obtain this key visit Find Your API Key.

curl -XPOST 'your_endpoint/indexes/my-first-index/search' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "Men shoes brown",
    "textQueryPrefix": "override query: "
    q="Men shoes brown", text_query_prefix="override query: "

Rerank Depth

Parameters: rerankDepth

Expected value: An integer greater than or equal to 0.

Default value: null

The rerankDepth parameter specifies the number of hits to rerank with global score modifiers. If no value is specified, all possible hits will be reranked instead. If limit > rerankDepth, rerankDepth results are reranked then the remaining unranked limit - rerankDepth results (if any) are combined with the reranked result list before returning. If limit < rerankDepth, rerankDepth results are reranked then the result list is truncated to the top limit results.

This is currently only supported for HYBRID search method with disjunction retrieval method and rrf ranking method.

Hybrid parameters

Parameters: hybridParameters

Expected value: A Dictionary with parameters for hybrid search.

Default value: null

Hybrid parameter Type Default Description
retrievalMethod String "disjunction" The method used for first stage retrieval. Can be "lexical" "tensor" or "disjunction" to use both lexical and tensor in the first stage.
rankingMethod String "rrf" The method used for second stage retrieval. Can be "lexical" "tensor" or "rrf" for reciprocal rank fusion. You must use rrf if you specify disjunction for retrieval_method.
searchableAttributesLexical Array of strings null Attributes which are used for the lexical search.
searchableAttributesTensor Array of strings null Attributes which are used for the tensor search.
scoreModifiersTensor Dict null Score modifiers for tensor component of the query. Modifies the score based on field values. Check here for more details.
scoreModifiersLexical Dict null Score modifiers for lexical component of the query. Modifies the score based on field values. Check here for more details.
alpha Float 0.5 The linear weight of the tensor RRF score. A score of 1 would be 100% contribution from tensor component, and a score of 0 would be a 100% contribution from the lexical component.
rrfK Integer 60 Smoothing factor for RRF. The higher rrfK, the lower the contribution of RRF to the ranking.

Example 1: Hybrid search with a structured index

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "model": "hf/e5-base-v2",
    "type": "structured",
    "allFields": [
        {"name": "title", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
        {"name": "description", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"]},
        {"name": "time_added_epoch", "type": "float", "features": ["score_modifier"]}
    "tensorFields": ["title", "description"]

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index/documents' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
"documents": [ 
        "title": "brown shoes",
        "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
        "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
        "_id": "4231042142"
        "title": "red shirt",
        "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
        "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
        "_id": "8988998589"

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index/search' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "shirt that is red",
    "searchMethod": "HYBRID",
    "hybridParameters": {
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",                                                                                      
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",                                                                                                
        "alpha": 0.3,                                                                                                           
        "rrfK": 60,                                                                                                             
        "searchableAttributesLexical": ["description"],                                                                              
        "searchableAttributesTensor": ["description"],                                                                               
        "scoreModifiersTensor": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "epoch_timestamp", "weight": 0.01}] },  
        "scoreModifiersLexical": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "epoch_timestamp", "weight": 0.01}] }  
import marqo

mq = marqo.Client("http://localhost:8882", api_key=None)

    # field types can be found here:
        {"name": "title", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
            "name": "description",
            "type": "text",
            "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"],
        {"name": "time_added_epoch", "type": "float", "features": ["score_modifier"]},
    tensor_fields=["title", "description"],

            "title": "brown shoes",
            "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
            "_id": "4231042142",
            "title": "red shirt",
            "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
            "_id": "8988998589",

# hybrid search with lexical and tensor search, using score modifiers
    q="shirt that is red",
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",
        "alpha": 0.3,
        "rrfK": 60,
        "searchableAttributesLexical": ["description"],
        "searchableAttributesTensor": ["description"],
        "scoreModifiersTensor": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]
        "scoreModifiersLexical": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]

For Marqo Cloud, you will need to access the endpoint of your index and replace your_endpoint with this. To do this, visit Find Your Endpoint. You will also need your API Key. To obtain this key visit Find Your API Key.

curl -XPOST '' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "model": "hf/e5-base-v2",
    "type": "structured",
    "allFields": [
        {"name": "title", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
        {"name": "description", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"]},
        {"name": "time_added_epoch", "type": "float", "features": ["score_modifier"]}
    "tensorFields": ["title", "description"]

curl -XPOST 'your_endpoint/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index/documents' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
"documents": [ 
        "title": "brown shoes",
        "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
        "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
        "_id": "4231042142"
        "title": "red shirt",
        "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
        "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
        "_id": "8988998589"

curl -XPOST 'your_endpoint/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index/search' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "shirt that is red",
    "searchMethod": "HYBRID",
    "hybridParameters": {
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",                                                                                      
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",                                                                                                
        "alpha": 0.3,                                                                                                           
        "rrfK": 60,                                                                                                             
        "searchableAttributesLexical": ["description"],                                                                              
        "searchableAttributesTensor": ["description"],                                                                               
        "scoreModifiersTensor": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "epoch_timestamp", "weight": 0.01}] },  
        "scoreModifiersLexical": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "epoch_timestamp", "weight": 0.01}] }  
import marqo

mq = marqo.Client("", api_key="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

    # field types can be found here:
        {"name": "title", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
            "name": "description",
            "type": "text",
            "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"],
        {"name": "time_added_epoch", "type": "float", "features": ["score_modifier"]},
    tensor_fields=["title", "description"],

            "title": "brown shoes",
            "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
            "_id": "4231042142",
            "title": "red shirt",
            "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
            "_id": "8988998589",

# hybrid search with lexical and tensor search, using score modifiers
    q="shirt that is red",
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",
        "alpha": 0.3,
        "rrfK": 60,
        "searchableAttributesLexical": ["description"],
        "searchableAttributesTensor": ["description"],
        "scoreModifiersTensor": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]
        "scoreModifiersLexical": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]

Example 2: Creating and searching an unstructured index, hybrid search with model deployed within Marqo

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-index' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "model": "hf/e5-base-v2",
    "type": "unstructured"

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-index/documents' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "documents": [ 
            "title": "brown shoes",
            "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
            "_id": "4231042142"
            "title": "red shirt",
            "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
            "_id": "8988998589"
    "tensorFields": ["title", "description"]

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-index/search' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "Men shoes brown",
    "searchMethod": "HYBRID",
    "hybridParameters": {
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",                                                                                      
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",                                                                                                
        "alpha": 0.3,                                                                                                           
        "rrfK": 10,                                                                                                              
        "scoreModifiersTensor": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "epoch_timestamp", "weight": 0.01}] },  
        "scoreModifiersLexical": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "epoch_timestamp", "weight": 0.01}] }  
import marqo

mq = marqo.Client("http://localhost:8882", api_key=None)

    index_name="my-hybrid-index", type="unstructured", model="hf/e5-base-v2"

            "title": "brown shoes",
            "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
            "_id": "4231042142",
            "title": "red shirt",
            "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
            "_id": "8988998589",
    tensor_fields=["title", "description"],

# hybrid search with lexical and tensor search, using score modifiers
    q="my query",
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",
        "alpha": 0.3,
        "rrfK": 10,
        "scoreModifiersTensor": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]
        "scoreModifiersLexical": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]

For Marqo Cloud, you will need to access the endpoint of your index and replace your_endpoint with this. To do this, visit Find Your Endpoint. You will also need your API Key. To obtain this key visit Find Your API Key.

curl -XPOST '' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "model": "hf/e5-base-v2",
    "type": "unstructured"

curl -XPOST 'your_endpoint/indexes/my-hybrid-index/documents' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "documents": [ 
            "title": "brown shoes",
            "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
            "_id": "4231042142"
            "title": "red shirt",
            "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
            "_id": "8988998589"
    "tensorFields": ["title", "description"]

curl -XPOST 'your_endpoint/indexes/my-hybrid-index/search' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": "Men shoes brown",
    "searchMethod": "HYBRID",
    "hybridParameters": {
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",                                                                                      
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",                                                                                                
        "alpha": 0.3,                                                                                                           
        "rrfK": 10,                                                                                                              
        "scoreModifiersTensor": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "epoch_timestamp", "weight": 0.01}] },  
        "scoreModifiersLexical": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "epoch_timestamp", "weight": 0.01}] }  
import marqo

mq = marqo.Client("", api_key="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

    index_name="my-hybrid-index", type="unstructured", model="hf/e5-base-v2"

            "title": "brown shoes",
            "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
            "_id": "4231042142",
            "title": "red shirt",
            "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
            "_id": "8988998589",
    tensor_fields=["title", "description"],

# hybrid search with lexical and tensor search, using score modifiers
    q="my query",
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",
        "alpha": 0.3,
        "rrfK": 10,
        "scoreModifiersTensor": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]
        "scoreModifiersLexical": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]

Example 3: Creating a hybrid index with no model, hybrid search using custom vectors

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "model": "no_model",
    "modelProperties": {
        "type": "no_model",
        "dimensions": 3072
    "type": "structured",
    "allFields": [
        {"name": "title", "type": "custom_vector", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
        {"name": "description", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"]},
        {"name": "time_added_epoch", "type": "int", "features": ["score_modifier"]}
    "tensorFields": ["title"]

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index/documents' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
"documents": [ 
        "title": {"vector": <replace with your custom 3072 dim vector>, "content": "brown shoes"},
        "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
        "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
        "_id": "4231042142"
        "title": {"vector": <replace with your custom 3072 dim vector>, "content": "red shirt"},
        "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
        "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
        "_id": "8988998589"

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8882/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index/search' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": {"customVector": {"vector": <replace with your custom 3072 dim vector>, "content": "Men shoes brown"}},
    "searchMethod": "HYBRID",
    "hybridParameters": {
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",                                                                                      
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",                                                                                                
        "alpha": 0.3,                                                                                                           
        "rrfK": 60,                                                                                                            
        "searchableAttributesLexical": ["title"],                                                                              
        "searchableAttributesTensor": ["title"],                                                                               
        "scoreModifiersTensor": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}] },  
        "scoreModifiersLexical": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}] }  
import marqo

mq = marqo.Client("http://localhost:8882", api_key=None)

    model_properties={"type": "no_model", "dimensions": 3072},
    # field types can be found here:
        {"name": "title", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
            "name": "description",
            "type": "text",
            "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"],
        {"name": "epoch_timestamp", "type": "float", "features": ["score_modifier"]},

            "title": {"vector": [0.1] * 3072, "content": "brown shoes"},
            "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
            "_id": "4231042142",
            "title": {"vector": [0.1] * 3072, "content": "red shirt"},
            "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
            "_id": "8988998589",

# hybrid search with a custom vector and score modifiers
    q={"customVector": {"content": "brown mens shoes", "vector": [0.1] * 3072}},
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",
        "alpha": 0.3,
        "rrfK": 60,
        "searchableAttributesLexical": ["title"],
        "searchableAttributesTensor": ["title"],
        "scoreModifiersTensor": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]
        "scoreModifiersLexical": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]

For Marqo Cloud, you will need to access the endpoint of your index and replace your_endpoint with this. To do this, visit Find Your Endpoint. You will also need your API Key. To obtain this key visit Find Your API Key.

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "model": "no_model",
    "modelProperties": {
        "type": "no_model",
        "dimensions": 3072
    "type": "structured",
    "allFields": [
        {"name": "title", "type": "custom_vector", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
        {"name": "description", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"]},
        {"name": "time_added_epoch", "type": "int", "features": ["score_modifier"]}
    "tensorFields": ["title"]

curl -XPOST 'your_endpoint/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index/documents' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
"documents": [ 
        "title": {"vector": <replace with your custom 3072 dim vector>, "content": "brown shoes"},
        "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
        "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
        "_id": "4231042142"
        "title": {"vector": <replace with your custom 3072 dim vector>, "content": "red shirt"},
        "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
        "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
        "_id": "8988998589"

curl -XPOST 'your_endpoint/indexes/my-hybrid-structured-index/search' \
-H 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
    "q": {"customVector": {"vector": <replace with your custom 3072 dim vector>, "content": "Men shoes brown"}},
    "searchMethod": "HYBRID",
    "hybridParameters": {
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",                                                                                      
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",                                                                                                
        "alpha": 0.3,                                                                                                           
        "rrfK": 60,                                                                                                            
        "searchableAttributesLexical": ["title"],                                                                              
        "searchableAttributesTensor": ["title"],                                                                               
        "scoreModifiersTensor": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}] },  
        "scoreModifiersLexical": { "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}] }  
import marqo

mq = marqo.Client("", api_key="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

    model_properties={"type": "no_model", "dimensions": 3072},
    # field types can be found here:
        {"name": "title", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
            "name": "description",
            "type": "text",
            "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"],
        {"name": "epoch_timestamp", "type": "float", "features": ["score_modifier"]},

            "title": {"vector": [0.1] * 3072, "content": "brown shoes"},
            "description": "Mens brown shoes with laces",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421423142,
            "_id": "4231042142",
            "title": {"vector": [0.1] * 3072, "content": "red shirt"},
            "description": "A red shirt with buttons",
            "time_added_epoch": 1421499942,
            "_id": "8988998589",

# hybrid search with a custom vector and score modifiers
    q={"customVector": {"content": "brown mens shoes", "vector": [0.1] * 3072}},
        "retrievalMethod": "disjunction",
        "rankingMethod": "rrf",
        "alpha": 0.3,
        "rrfK": 60,
        "searchableAttributesLexical": ["title"],
        "searchableAttributesTensor": ["title"],
        "scoreModifiersTensor": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]
        "scoreModifiersLexical": {
            "add_to_score": [{"field_name": "time_added_epoch", "weight": 0.001}]