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Installing Marqo

This page will run you through the installation process for Marqo, the Open Source, end-to-end vector search engine.

First, select your platform:


To use Marqo Cloud, you will need the following:

To run Marqo Cloud with Python, you will also need:

  • Python 3
  • PIP

Marqo API Key

To run Marqo Cloud, you will need a Marqo API Key. To do this,

  1. Sign up to Marqo Cloud.
  2. Navigate to API Keys. You can either create a new API key or use the default. Copy this key, you'll need it when we begin programming later.

For a full walkthrough on how to find your API key, visit our article.


To use Marqo Cloud with Python, all you need to run is:

pip install marqo

What to Expect

When creating your Marqo Cloud account, the UI will look as follows:

For a walkthrough of the different sections in this console, visit our Getting Started with Marqo Cloud Guide.

In the next section, we'll explain how you can create your first index.

What's next?

Now you have everything you need to begin building, check out our Quick Start guide to get started!


To run Marqo Open Source, you will need the following:


We’ll start with downloading and installing Marqo. If you have any issues setting up Marqo, ask for help on our Community.

  1. Marqo requires Docker. To install Docker go to Docker Docs and install for your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux).
  2. Once Docker is installed, you can use it to run Marqo. First, open the Docker application and then head to your terminal and enter the following:
docker pull marqoai/marqo:latest
docker rm -f marqo
docker run --name marqo -it -p 8882:8882 marqoai/marqo:latest

First, you will begin pulling from marqoai/marqo followed by setting up a vector store. Next, Marqo artefacts will begin downloading. Then, you’ll be greeted with this lovely welcome message once everything is set up successfully. This can take a little bit of time while it downloads everything needed to begin searching.

Amazing. Now all that's left to do is install marqo from pip and we can begin coding!

pip install marqo

What's next?

Now you have everything you need to begin building, check out our Quick Start guide to get started!