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  • Remove the upper bound restriction on urllib3 to allow version 2.x to be used as a dependency for Py-marqo. This change enables users to take advantage of new features in the latest version of urllib3 and upgrade to Python 3.13 (#263).



  • Fix a bug where Py-marqo incorrectly includes mediaDownloadHeaders in the request body, causing backward compatibility issues. Py-marqo now omits mediaDownloadHeaders from the request body unless explicitly set (



  • Add a new parameter media_download_headers and deprecate the old image_download_headers.
  • Upgrade minimum supported marqo version to 2.13.0


Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Fix a bug where py-marqo does not throw an error if settings_dict is provided along with other parameters during index creation(


New features

  • New modalities(videos, audios) support ( You can use video_pointer and audio_pointer as field features when creating a structured index, and set treat_urls_and_pointers_as_media=True when creating an unstructured index.

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Improve the error message when an index does not exist (

Release 3.7.0

New features

  • Hybrid Search support (#235). The method now supports dictionary parameter hybrid_parameters .

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Improved error handling for errors not in JSON format (#242).

Release 3.6.0

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Update the minimum required Marqo version to 2.9.0 (#241).

Release 3.5.1

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Update the minimum required Marqo version to 2.6.0 (#236).
  • Improve the error handling in delete_index where errors are not raised correctly (#234).

Marqo Python client release notes were only recorded for versions 3.5.1 onwards.