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Structured Indexes with Other Features

For documentation on structured indexes see here.

Available Data Types and Features

The specification for all available data types and features can be found here.

Example structured index with multiple fields and features

The following example shows how to create a structured index with multiple fields and features.

import marqo

settings = {
    "type": "structured",
    "model": "open_clip/ViT-L-14/laion2b_s32b_b82k",
    "allFields": [
        {"name": "name", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
        {"name": "description", "type": "text"},
        {"name": "is_nsfw", "type": "bool", "features": ["filter"]},
        {"name": "price", "type": "float", "features": ["filter"]},
        {"name": "tags", "type": "array<text>", "features": ["filter"]},
        {"name": "image_url", "type": "image_pointer"},
        {"name": "seller_score", "type": "float", "features": ["score_modifier"]},
            "name": "multimodal_field",
            "type": "multimodal_combination",
            "dependentFields": {"image_url": 0.9, "name": 0.1},
    "tensorFields": ["multimodal_field"],

mq = marqo.Client(url="http://localhost:8882")

mq.create_index("my-complex-index", settings_dict=settings)

This example represents a more realistic system which allows for more complex behaviours such as filtering, score modification and multimodal search.

Example Add Documents Usage

documents = [
        "_id": "1",
        "name": "Marqo T-Shirt",
        "description": "A high-quality t-shirt with the Marqo logo.",
        "is_nsfw": False,
        "price": 19.99,
        "tags": ["clothing", "t-shirt", "merchandise"],
        "image_url": "",
        "seller_score": 0.8,
        "_id": "2",
        "name": "Marqo Hoodie",
        "description": "A high-quality hoodie with the Marqo logo.",
        "is_nsfw": False,
        "price": 39.99,
        "tags": ["clothing", "hoodie", "merchandise"],
        "image_url": "",
        "seller_score": 0.9,


Example Search Usage

Basic Search:

results = mq.index("my-complex-index").search(q="Marqo T-Shirt")

Search with Filtering:

results = mq.index("my-complex-index").search(
    q="Marqo T-Shirt", filter_string="tags:hoodie"

Search with Score Modification:

    q="Marqo T-Shirt",
    score_modifiers={"add_to_score": [{"field_name": "seller_score", "weight": 0.01}]},