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GPT/LLM Question and Answering Walkthrough

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a vector search to interact with non-player characters (NPCs) using Large Language Models (LLMs).


In this example, we will create a search index for NPC data and use a language model to interact with these characters in a natural and engaging way.


  • Docker installed on your machine.
  • An API key for the LLM you want to use, such as OpenAI.

Environment Setup

Before we begin, you will need to set up your environment:

  1. Clone the examples repository:

    git clone --branch 2.0.0
    cd marqo/examples/GPT-examples

  2. Start Marqo with Docker:

    docker rm -f marqo
    docker pull marqoai/marqo:2.0.0
    docker run --name marqo -it -p 8882:8882 --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway marqoai/marqo:2.0.0

    For more detailed instructions, see the getting started guide.

  3. Set your OpenAI API key:

    export OPENAI_API_KEY="your_api_key_here"

Data Creation

First, we will define our NPCs and their attributes in a structured format.

import pandas as pd

# Define NPCs with their attributes
NPCs = [
        "name": "Sara Lee",
        "backstory": "Sara was born in a small village in the mountains. She was always fascinated with nature and as soon as she was old enough, she left her village to study environmental science at a university. She now works as a park ranger.",
        "location": "The mountains",
        "occupation": "Park ranger",
        "family_history": "Sara is an only child and her parents were both farmers. Growing up close to nature instilled in her a deep respect and appreciation for the environment.",
        "work_history": "Sara worked as a research assistant for a university before becoming a park ranger.",
        "favorite_color": "Yellow",
        "hobbies": "Hiking, bird watching, and photography",
        "favorite_food": "Fruits and vegetables",
        "dislikes": "Loud noises",
        "name": "Jack Smith",
        "backstory": "Jack was born and raised in the city. He has always had a love for cars and as soon as he could he began working on them. He now runs his own successful auto repair shop.",
        "location": "The city",
        "occupation": "Auto mechanic",
        "family_history": "Jack has a younger sister and his father was also a mechanic who ran his own shop.",
        "work_history": "Jack worked as a mechanic at several auto repair shops before opening his own business.",
        "favorite_color": "Blue",
        "hobbies": "Working on cars, fishing, and playing video games",
        "favorite_food": "Steak",
        "dislikes": "Celery",
        "name": "Evelyn Parker",
        "backstory": "Evelyn grew up in a small town in the countryside. She always had a passion for cooking and eventually moved to the city to attend culinary school. She now works as a chef at a popular restaurant.",
        "location": "The city",
        "occupation": "Chef",
        "family_history": "Evelyn is the youngest of three siblings. Her parents were farmers and instilled in her a love for cooking with fresh ingredients.",
        "work_history": "Evelyn worked as a line cook at several restaurants before attending culinary school and becoming a head chef.",
        "favorite_color": "Green",
        "hobbies": "Cooking, gardening, and reading",
        "favorite_food": "Seafood",
        "dislikes": "Cilantro",

# Convert NPCs to a DataFrame and then to a list of dicts
df = pd.DataFrame(NPCs)
documents = df.to_dict(orient="records")

Indexing with Marqo

Next, we'll set up our Marqo client and create an index for our NPC data.

import marqo
from marqo import Client

# Set up the Marqo client
mq = Client()

# Index configuration
index_name = "npc-chat"
index_settings = {
    "normalizeEmbeddings": True,
    "textPreprocessing": {
        "splitLength": 5,
        "splitOverlap": 1,
        "splitMethod": "sentence",

# Create the index and add documents
mq.create_index(index_name, settings_dict=index_settings)

Interacting with NPCs using LLM

Now we're ready to start a conversation with our NPCs using the LLM.

from langchain_openai import OpenAI
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
from langchain.chains import LLMChain

# Set up the LLM
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.9)

# Start a conversation with an NPC
persona = "Evelyn Parker"
human_questions = [
    "hi, what is your name?",
    "wow, what are some of your favorite things to do?",
    "are you scared of anything?",
    "where did you grow up?",
    "what do you dislike?",

for question in human_questions:

    # search for background related to the question
    results = mq.index(index_name).search(

    # optionally crop the text to the highlighted region to fit within the context window
    highlights, texts = extract_text_from_highlights(results, token_limit=150)

    # add the truncated/cropped text to the data structure for langchain
    summaries = [
        Document(page_content=f"Source [{ind}]:" + t)
        for ind, t in enumerate(texts[:n_history])

    # get the conversation history
    chain_qa = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)

    llm_results = chain_qa.invoke(
        {"summaries": summaries, "conversation": "\n".join(history)},


Enhancing the NPC Interaction

Finally, we'll enhance our NPC interaction using the methodology used in Iron Man to create an update-able and domain specific memory for an LLM to perform question and answering.

# Add additional information for the NPC
extra_docs = [{"text": text, "name": persona} for text in get_extra_data()]

# Add the documents to the index
res = mq.index(index_name).add_documents(

# we pre-populate them here to complete a conversation but it can easily be made interactive
human_questions = [
    "hi, what is your name?",
    "wow, what are some of your favorite things to do?",
    "are you scared of anything?",
    "where did you grow up?",
    "what do you dislike?",

history = []
template = marqo_template()
prompt = marqo_prompt(template)

# how many pieces of context to use
n_history = 2

# Continue the conversation with enhanced context
for question in human_questions:

    # search for background related to the question
    results = mq.index(index_name).search(

    # optionally crop the text to the highlighted region to fit within the context window
    highlights, texts = extract_text_from_highlights(results, token_limit=150)

    # add the truncated/cropped text to the data structure for langchain
    summaries = [
        Document(page_content=f"Source [{ind}]:" + t)
        for ind, t in enumerate(texts[-n_history:])

    # get the conversation history
    chain_qa = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)

    llm_results = chain_qa.invoke(
        {"summaries": summaries, "conversation": "\n".join(history)},


For the complete code, including the NPC definitions and interaction logic, please refer to the original code here

Full Code
import pandas as pd
from utilities import (
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain_openai import OpenAI
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
from langchain.chains import LLMChain


if __name__ == "__main__":

    #       0. Install Marqo                                          

    # run the following docker commands from the terminal to start marqo
    # docker rm -f marqo
    # docker pull marqoai/marqo:2.0.0
    # docker run --name marqo -it --privileged -p 8882:8882 --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway marqoai/marqo:2.0.0

    #       1. Create some data                                          

    NPCs = [{
        "name": "Sara Lee",
        "backstory": "Sara was born in a small village in the mountains. She was always fascinated with nature and as soon as she was old enough, she left her village to study environmental science at a university. She now works as a park ranger.",
        "location": "The mountains",
        "occupation": "Park ranger",
        "family_history": "Sara is an only child and her parents were both farmers. Growing up close to nature instilled in her a deep respect and appreciation for the environment.",
        "work_history": "Sara worked as a research assistant for a university before becoming a park ranger.",
        "favorite_color": "Yellow",
        "hobbies": "Hiking, bird watching, and photography",
        "favorite_food": "Fruits and vegetables",
        "dislikes": "Loud noises",
            "name": "Jack Smith",
            "backstory": "Jack was born and raised in the city. He has always had a love for cars and as soon as he could he began working on them. He now runs his own successful auto repair shop.",
            "location": "The city",
            "occupation": "Auto mechanic",
            "family_history": "Jack has a younger sister and his father was also a mechanic who ran his own shop.",
            "work_history": "Jack worked as a mechanic at several auto repair shops before opening his own business.",
            "favorite_color": "Blue",
            "hobbies": "Working on cars, fishing, and playing video games",
            "favorite_food": "Steak",
            "dislikes": "Celery",
            "name": "Evelyn Parker",
            "backstory": "Evelyn grew up in a small town in the countryside. She always had a passion for cooking and eventually moved to the city to attend culinary school. She now works as a chef at a popular restaurant.",
            "location": "The city",
            "occupation": "Chef",
            "family_history": "Evelyn is the youngest of three siblings. Her parents were farmers and instilled in her a love for cooking with fresh ingredients.",
            "work_history": "Evelyn worked as a line cook at several restaurants before attending culinary school and becoming a head chef.",
            "favorite_color": "Green",
            "hobbies": "Cooking, gardening, and reading",
            "favorite_food": "Seafood",
            "dislikes": "Cilantro",

    df = pd.DataFrame(reformat_npcs(NPCs))

    # make the data python dicts
    documents = df.to_dict(orient='records')

    #       2. Setup Marqo                                          

    import marqo
    from marqo import Client


    mq = Client()

    index_name = "npc-chat"


    index_settings = {
        "normalizeEmbeddings": True,
        "textPreprocessing": {
            "splitLength": 5,
            "splitOverlap": 1,
            "splitMethod": "sentence"

    # create the index - if no settings are present then sensible defaults are used
    mq.create_index(index_name, settings_dict=index_settings)
    res = mq.index(index_name).add_documents(documents, tensor_fields=["name", "backstory", "location", "occupation",
                                                                       "family_history", "work_history",
                                                                       "hobbies", "favorite_food", "dislikes"])

    #       3. Regular NPC superhero                                         

    # select a character
    persona = "Evelyn Parker"

    # we pre-opulate them here to complete a conversation but it can easily be made interactive
    human_questions = ["hi, what is your name?",
                       "wow, what are some of your favorite things to do?",
                       "are you scared of anything?",
                       "where did you grow up?",
                       "what do you dislike?"]

    history = []
    template = marqo_template()
    prompt = marqo_prompt(template)

    # how many pieces of context to use
    n_history = 2

    # setup the LLM API call
    llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.9)

    for question in human_questions:

        # search for background related to the question
        results = mq.index(index_name).search(question, filter_string=f"name:({persona})", limit=20)

        # optionally crop the text to the highlighted region to fit within the context window
        highlights, texts = extract_text_from_highlights(results, token_limit=150)

        # add the truncated/cropped text to the data structure for langchain
        summaries = [Document(page_content=f"Source [{ind}]:" + t) for ind, t in enumerate(texts[:n_history])]

        # get the conversation history
        chain_qa = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)

        llm_results = chain_qa.invoke({"summaries": summaries, "conversation": "\n".join(history)},


    #       3. IRONMAN                                   

    persona = "Evelyn Parker"

    # add some more info
    extra_docs = [{"text": text, "name": persona} for text in get_extra_data()]
    res = mq.index(index_name).add_documents(extra_docs, tensor_fields=["name", "backstory", "location", "occupation",
                                                                        "family_history", "work_history",
                                                                        "hobbies", "favorite_food", "dislikes"])

    # we pre-opulate them here to complete a conversation but it can easily be made interactive
    human_questions = ["hi, what is your name?",
                       "wow, what are some of your favorite things to do?",
                       "are you scared of anything?",
                       "where did you grow up?",
                       "what do you dislike?"]

    history = []
    template = marqo_template()
    prompt = marqo_prompt(template)

    # how many pieces of context to use
    n_history = 2

    for question in human_questions:

        # search for background related to the question
        results = mq.index(index_name).search(question, filter_string=f"name:({persona})", limit=20)

        # optionally crop the text to the highlighted region to fit within the context window
        highlights, texts = extract_text_from_highlights(results, token_limit=150)

        # add the truncated/cropped text to the data structure for langchain
        summaries = [Document(page_content=f"Source [{ind}]:" + t) for ind, t in enumerate(texts[-n_history:])]

        # get the conversation history
        chain_qa = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)

        llm_results = chain_qa.invoke({"summaries": summaries, "conversation": "\n".join(history)},
