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Create Structured Index

Structured indexes in Marqo are tailored for datasets with a defined schema and are particularly effective for complex queries like sorting, grouping, and filtering. They are designed for fast, in-memory operations.

By default, the settings for structured index look like this. Settings can be set as the index is created.

POST /indexes/{index_name}

Create index with (optional) settings. This endpoint accepts the application/json content type.

Path parameters

Name Type Description
String Name of the index

Body Parameters

The settings for the index are represented as a nested JSON object that contains the default settings for the index. The parameters are as follows:

Name Type Default value Description
allFields List - List of fields that might be indexed or queried. Valid only if type is structured
tensorFields List [] List of fields that are treated as tensors
model String hf/e5-base-v2 The model to use to vectorise doc content in add_documents() calls for the index
modelProperties Dictionary "" The model properties object corresponding to model (for custom models)
Boolean true Normalize the embeddings to have unit length
textPreprocessing Dictionary "" The text preprocessing object
imagePreprocessing Dictionary "" The image preprocessing object
annParameters Dictionary "" The ANN algorithm parameter object
type String unstructured Type of the index. The default value is unstructured, but for the structured index this needs to be structured
vectorNumericType String float Numeric type for vector encoding


The allFields object contains the fields that might be indexed or queried. Each field has the following parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
name String - Name of the field
type String - Type of the field
features List [] List of features that the field supports

Available types are:

Field Type Description Supported Features
text Text field lexical_search, filter
int 32-bit integer filter, score_modifier
float 32-bit float filter, score_modifier
long 64-bit integer filter
double 64-bit float filter
array<text> Array of text lexical_search, filter
array<int> Array of 32-bit integers filter
array<float> Array of 32-bit floats filter
array<long> Array of 64-bit integers filter
array<double> Array of 64-bit floats filter
bool Boolean filter
multimodal_combination Multimodal combination field None
image_pointer Image URL. Must only be used with a multimodal model such as CLIP None
custom_vector Custom vector, with optional text for lexical/filtering lexical_search, filter
map<text, int> Map of text to integers score_modifier
map<text, long> Map of text to longs score_modifier
map<text, float> Map of text to floats score_modifier
map<text, double> Map of text to doubles score_modifier

Available features are:

  • lexical_search: The field can be used for lexical search
  • filter: The field can be used for exact and range (numerical fields) filtering
  • score_modifier: The field can be used to modify the score of the document

When using multimodal_combination fields, the dependentFields object is used to define the weights for the multimodal combination field and is required. The dependentFields object is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the fields that are used to create the multimodal combination field and the values are the weights for each field. Field names must refer to fields that are defined in allFields. See the example below for more details.

Text Preprocessing Object

The textPreprocessing object contains the specifics of how you want the index to preprocess text. The parameters are as follows:

Name Type Default value Description
splitLength Integer 2 The length of the chunks after splitting by split_method
Integer 0 The length of overlap between adjacent chunks
splitMethod String sentence The method by which text is chunked (character, word, sentence, or passage)

Image Preprocessing Object

The imagePreprocessing object contains the specifics of how you want the index to preprocess images. The parameters are as follows:

Name Type Default value Description
String null The method by which images are chunked (simple or frcnn)

ANN Algorithm Parameter object

The annParameters object contains hyperparameters for the approximate nearest neighbour algorithm used for tensor storage within Marqo. The parameters are as follows:

Name Type Default value Description
String prenormalized-angular The function used to measure the distance between two points in ANN (angular, euclidean, dotproduct, geodegrees, hamming, or prenormalized-angular).
parameters Dict "" The hyperparameters for the ANN method (which is always hnsw for Marqo).

HNSW Method Parameters Object

parameters can have the following values:

Name Type Default value Description
int 512 The size of the dynamic list used during k-NN graph creation. Higher values lead to a more accurate graph but slower indexing speed. It is recommended to keep this between 2 and 800 (maximum is 4096)
m int 16 The number of bidirectional links that the plugin creates for each new element. Increasing and decreasing this value can have a large impact on memory consumption. Keep this value between 2 and 100.

Model Properties Object

This flexible object, used by modelProperties is used to set up models that aren't available in Marqo by default ( models available by default are listed here). The structure of this object will vary depending on the model.

For Open CLIP models, see here for modelProperties format and example usage.

For Generic SBERT models, see here for modelProperties format and example usage.

Sample structured index settings

Here's a sample settings for a structured index using marqo client:

import marqo

settings = {
    "type": "structured",
    "vectorNumericType": "float",
    "model": "open_clip/ViT-B-32/laion2b_s34b_b79k",
    "normalizeEmbeddings": True,
    "textPreprocessing": {
        "splitLength": 2,
        "splitOverlap": 0,
        "splitMethod": "sentence",
    "imagePreprocessing": {"patchMethod": None},
    "allFields": [
        {"name": "text_field", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search"]},
        {"name": "caption", "type": "text", "features": ["lexical_search", "filter"]},
        {"name": "tags", "type": "array<text>", "features": ["filter"]},
        {"name": "image_field", "type": "image_pointer"},
        {"name": "my_int", "type": "int", "features": ["score_modifier"]},
            "name": "multimodal_field",
            "type": "multimodal_combination",
            "dependentFields": {"image_field": 0.9, "text_field": 0.1},
    "tensorFields": ["multimodal_field"],
    "annParameters": {
        "spaceType": "prenormalized-angular",
        "parameters": {"efConstruction": 512, "m": 16},

mq = marqo.Client(url="http://localhost:8882")

mq.create_index("my-first-structured-index", settings_dict=settings)