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List Models

List all Models. Models are referred to as Marqtuned Models throughout the Marqtune guides. Models are generated by Training Tasks. Models contain a collection of checkpoints. A checkpoint is a .pt file and is the output of a training epoch. All completed epoch checkpoints are available in Marqtuned models.

GET /models


from marqtune.client import Client

url = ""
api_key = "{api_key}"
marqtune_client = Client(url=url, api_key=api_key)

cURL --location '' \
     --header 'x-api-key: {api_key}'

Response: 200 (OK)

Model details returned.

  "statusCode": 200,
    "body": {
        "models": [
                "modelId": "idInSystem",
                "modelName": "nameInSystem", 
                "status": "currentStatus", 
                "secondaryStatus": "secondaryStatus",
                "failureReason": "reasonForFailure", // Optional, present if status is failed
                "baseModel": "baseModel", 
                "baseCheckpoint": "baseCheckpoint", 
                "instanceType": "marqtune.basic|marqtune.performance",
                "maxTrainingTime": "maxTrainingTime", // Optional, present if supplied
                "checkpoints": ["checkpoint-1", "checkpoint-2"],
                "hyperparameters": "Training task parameters - see the Training parameters guide for details." 

Response: 400 (Invalid Request)

Request path or method is invalid.

    "statusCode": 400,
    "body": {
      "message": "Invalid request method"

Response: 401 (Unauthorised)

Unauthorised. Check your API key and try again.

  "message": "Unauthorized."

Response: 500 (Internal server error)

Internal server error. Check your API key and try again.

  "message": "Internal server error."

Notes on Optional Fields

  • failureReason: This field is included if the model's status is failed. It provides the reason for the failure.
  • maxTrainingTime: This field is included if it was supplied during model training.